Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fun Thursday with the Spouse!

1) We went to our second prenatal appointment at 10:30. I forgot that they would need to take a urine sample, so I went right before we left the house. They only got about two drops but they said it was enough (sigh of relief). Our midwife Beverly is awesome! I was really nervous about her finding the heartbeat at this appointment. She found it within about five seconds at said everything sounded great. The heart rate was 145 bpm, done from 176 bpm at our last appointment. I'm still immune to chicken pox and German measles (good to know since I am surrounded by children all day at work), and I also got to find out my blood type. All seems well except for my iron being a little low. She suggested lots of red meat and green leafy vegetables. That won't be a problem because you certainly do not have to twist my husband's arm when it comes to steak - he always finds the best cuts and grills them better than I have ever had in any restaurant. Oh, I also might have to do the 24 hour urine collection test (boo) but I'm not going to worry about that until it gets here.

I really don't want to tote one of these around for 24 hours. We'll see what happens.

2) Nick and I ventured to downtown Charlotte to run an errand...but first we stopped at Hasaki Grill and Sushi for lunch. We both had hibachi steak with mushrooms, rice, and glazed carrots - divine! Nick was really excited to take me to Hasaki because he helped plumb this restaurant. While we were eating he showed me some pictures on his phone of what the property looked like while it was being remodeled...what a difference! I am so proud of my husband and I'm glad that he finds satisfaction in his work. We enjoy visiting restaurants that he has worked on once they are finished, and this is definitely one of my favorites so far. He's currently helping add a wing onto a hospital...doubt we'll eat there when the project is complete, haha.

Hasaki Grill and Sushi - Corner of South Church Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, go get you some!

3) Now for the all-important errand...we picked up our car seat and stroller today! We pre-ordered them from Babies R Us this weekend. We decided the Baby Trend Expedition ELX Travel System in Everglade. I have been searching for car seats with extra neck support to protect from side impact collisions, and we also knew we wanted something neutral that we can hopefully reuse with younger siblings down the road. I have had my eye on this set for a while but Nick was not on board - he thought three wheel strollers looked weird. Our friend Tara at Sweet Pea & Chocolate recently purchased this stroller in black and took it to the park this weekend. When Nick saw how much easier it was to maneuver than a traditional four wheel stroller (we were playing frisbee golf along a trail in the woods - think roots, stumps, and lots of hills) he was sold!

I think this will be just right!

Once we got home I inhaled half a warm weather and fresh produce! All in all we had a great day :)

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